शब्दभाव - बुद्धिसागर संग

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Event name "Shabda Bhaav"
Organizers: Book Lovers Nepal and Literary aspirants

Why this event?
The main concept of this event is to promote Literature and Reading culture among people, especially youths. Moreover we emphasize on Local literature but its not that we overlook other international forms.

It is a monthly program where we bring guests from the so called "Book Industry" which includes diversed people from writers to publishers to editors. We call people from diversed background to let literary aspirants get indepth knowledge about everything they need to know from improving their writing skill to how to get them published.
The Format of the event is :
Total Run time : 90 minutes
30 minutes: Guest story
30 minutes: Interaction of Guest with audience
30 minutes: Audience networking , Book Signing , advice & Suggestion etc.

Currently we don't have a fix place to do it so we are looking for sponsors who would fund us and let us continue our noble work. And on their Favour we would put their advertisement stands during our program.

Who are the organizers?
We are a group of people who joined hands throung social media and made a common resolution to promote and enhance the depreciating condition of literature and creativity among youths. We want to establish a reliable platform where youths can whole heartedly show their talent and creativity. And we would be behind them , Promoting their creations . And also helping them improve their skills by our regular interaction program with guests from related field.
We are also focused on inspiring young ones to develop reading culture which has its own known benefits which they will realize themselves as they develop this habit.